Thrust out in big numbers after a Lava Hound dies, these tiny creatures keep up the fight for a little while longer.
- Lava Pups are spawned when a Lava Hound falls in battle. Although they vaguely resemble their parent troop in appearance, they are significantly stronger offensively but have only a tiny fraction of the Lava Hound's health.
- When a Lava Hound dies, it splits into 8 Lava Pups at level 1, and increases by 2 with every level, up to a maximum of 16 Lava Pups at level 5.
- The Lava Pups will explode out in a large circle when they are spawned, instead of clustering up where the Lava Hound falls.
- Lava Pups have no preferred target when attacking; they will simply attack the closest building. However, once they become aware of enemy Clan Castle troops, Heroes, or Skeleton Trap skeletons (either by being attacked themselves or by being near another friendly troop under attack), they will leave their previously targeted building and instead engage the enemy troops. Once all of the nearby enemy troops are defeated, the Lava Pups will proceed to attack the nearest structure.
- They resemble Lava Hounds in appearence, except being smaller and made completely of lava.
- The Lava Pup is considered to take up 2 housing space for the purpose of determining its interactions with the Clone Spell.
- A group of Lava Pups can be wiped out by a single Air Bomb, so try to trigger it with the Lava Hound to make the Lava Pups live longer.
- Like all low health troops, they're vulnerable to Wizard Towers, so distract them with more durable units.
- They have nearly identical stats to a level 1 Minion, the only differences being slightly lower Hitpoints and a shorter range (2.75 tiles for the Minion vs. 2 for the Lava Pup).
- As one of the three subtroops (the others being the Golemite and the Skeleton), it cannot be trained, placed or donated directly via the Clan Castle (although the parent Troops can).
- While the Lava Hound appears to be made of both molten lava and solid rock, the Lava Pup seems to be a pure lava being, perhaps suggesting that the lava cools into rocks as the Lava Pups mature.